
Revers Energy Corp. Logo
Fogland is a collective of Pacific Northwest tour experts providing small, sustainable tourism options and working together with local businesses participating in the Ecotourism Movement.
Fogland Collective
Travel, Adventure
Branding + Webdesign
Key findings

There is a growing number of people who are committed to traveling responsibly and are more aware of being sustainable. Fogland is a platform on which environment-conscious users can participate in local trips or group events and meet new people while explore the Pacific Northwest and have an authentic experience.


The aim is to promote sustainable travel activities as well as the environmental and economic benefits of local tourism. The collective was born from the idea of joining sustainability, convenience and direct booking and developing a user-friendly, affordable, ethical travel solution for travelers.


Users need a way to travel ethically and experience the local culture while also enjoying reasonable pricing and convenience. Refine the overall aesthetic by extracting the essence of the brand’s nature. The task is to improve user experience to make the site more engaging and encourageing people to explore.


I crafted a design all about visual storytelling with animations that lets users dive into the adventures. Cool, natural tones represent the Earth and Fogland’s mission to secure its future, rounded out by modern typography. Big destination photos are creating an emotional connection with users and makes them want to sign up for trips.

I am open for work

I'm taking on new projects, yay! So if you'd like to chat please get in touch.